The Notify

I've got a lot of talented friends. Isn't this better than getting braggy e-mails about them from me all the time?

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Santa Takes Holiday

I regret to inform you that Santa Jay is taking a break this year.

As I am sure I have told you before I am no fan of the period between Halloween and my birthday known as "THE HOLIDAYS". One of the few things I looked forward to, though, is going to see Santa Jay. I love me some live voices singing the classics, and the classically twisted. So I'm disappointed that we won't be seeing any of that this year but I understand that even Santa needs time off once in a while.

Watch this space for an announcement about next year's show, I want to get a big crowd together for it.

In the mean time you can get the recorded version of the greatest hits of the holiday to give as a gift or to give your own party a little lift. The whole CD is great but I am particularly fond of The Restroom Door Said Gentlemen. It's the right combination of classic and insubordinate. If you're having a New Year's party check out the piano bar CD, it would make a delightful and classy addition to any gathering that involves champagne.

Give Santa Jay some love, people, I want him to come back next year.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

A party you can actually enjoy

Now I know that you've got an office party and a family party and your girlfriend's agent's client party and you have to stand in line to see Santa so your niece can have a new Furby. And I know that you think that the last thing you want to do is to go to another party.

You're wrong.

I've got a party at which you can actually enjoy yourself.

After 15 years at 750 Eighth Avenue The New Perspectives Theatre is moving! (The owners are tearing the building down! They're probably going to make condos, 'cause that's what we need, more high priced housing.) Most people, even us wacky theatre folk, don't add throwing a party to the list of things we need to do on moving day. However the NPT folks are all about enjoying the ride, so they are throwing a gala benefit to celebrate this new phase of their development.

They're even having a tag sale so you could do some Christmas shopping. Whatever you do please give them some support because what we do need is more good, affordable, intelligent theatre.

Go! Have fun! Aunt Hattie won't be there asking you why you aren't wearing a ring yet.

Here's the scoop:

New Perspectives Theatre Company (NPT)
Pelican Studio Theatre
750 8th Avenue, New York, NY
Wednesday, December 14, 6:00pm -
Thursday, December 15, 12:00am
$50.00 per person

Our home of 15 years at 750 8th Avenue will be demolished after the new year, and we are having a Bon Voyage Benefit Bash!

**Join our special guests, including Senator Tom Duane, Austin Pendleton, Actor and Playwright; Virginia Louloudes, Executive Director ART/NY; Stephanie Berry, OBIE-Award Winner and founder of Blackberry Productions; Bob Ost, President and Founder of TRU; Stephanie Barton-Farcas, Founder and Artistic Director of Nicu's Spoon; Deirdre Hollman, former NPT Literary Manager and now with the Schomberg Center; and many of our long-time companie members and associate artists, to

*pay homage to the Pelican Studio theatre space and NPT's history here
*gather friends, artists and supporters from all the years, past and present
*raise funds to help with the transition to our new home
*and CELEBRATE NPT's exciting future

We'll have food and drink, a silent auction, testimonials and entertainment, tears and laughter, and plenty of party time! We're especially looking forward to hearing many NPT/Pelican Studio anecdotes and will have a "memory book" available for written stories, notes and good wishes.

Tickets: $50 (tax-deductible) Checks made payable to New Perspectives Theatre Company, or charge with PayPal. If you cannot personnally attend, please consider buying a ticket so one of our starving artists can attend! Or make a small donation to help with moving costs.


6-7: General Schmoozing, Browse Silent Auction Items, Feasting & Quaffing

7-8: Welcome & Introductions, Fun Speeches & Moving Testimonials**

8-8:30: More Browsing & Making Merry

8:30-10: Special Guest Speakers and Performances**

10-Midnight: General Merriment & Reminiscing

For 15 years, our home has provided an affordable and safe haven for hundreds of established and emerging artists, Off-Off Broadway theatre companies, and literally thousands of school children and community members. As we look to the future, we ask for the support of the New York Theatre Community, and our friends, neighbors and audiences. We are looking forward to sharing a toast, a story and maybe a tear or two with all of those who have benefited from this historic space over the years.