The Notify

I've got a lot of talented friends. Isn't this better than getting braggy e-mails about them from me all the time?

Thursday, November 03, 2005

And now something about me, Me, ME!

I have written a play.

Like the Moon is a historical one act about the family of Playwright, Anton Chekhov. Chekhov was chronically ill for much of his life and was cared for by his sister, Masha. His illness also kept him from living in Moscow where his wife, Olga Knipper, was a member of the Moscow Art Theatre. In this play I explore the heightened emotion that grips the trio as Chekhov's disease begins to take him over.

Wow, that was so stilted and icky. I wrote this play it's about that famous Russian playwright dude and his wife and his sister. He had to live most of his life in Yalta and his wife worked in the theatre in Moscow so they spent most of their courting and married life a 2 day journey from each other. (Some might say the perfect way to spend one's courting and married life.) It also made for some serious tension since Chekhov's sister ran his house in Yalta and spent more time with him that Knipper.


This summer Like the Moon was given a reading in the theatre portion of the Marblehead Festival of Arts. It was a wonderful blessing and spurred me to revise the play and find some ways to have it performed again. Interest has been shown from a number of venues in the US and Canada so I've decided to up the ante a little with a New York reading.

The reading is free and we will be serving vodka and cookies. I want to have as many people as possible hear the play and give me feedback for some final revisions before I begin work on a full production and publication.

Saturday, November 19, 2005
New Perspectives Theatre
750 Eighth Avenue
Suite 601

We'll be in the studio.

Who is this we of which I speak?

I have been blessed again with my 3 first choice actors for this reading.

In alphabetical order:

Paul Daily as Anton Chekhov
Julie Flanders as Olga Knipper
Libby Hughes as Maria Chekhov

It's at this point that I feel I should have asked them all for bios. Oops. (Guys, if you have bios, please send them and I'll update the post.) Suffice to say they are actors of high standing in the community, coming from diverse backgrounds and training and whether you like the play or not you will be compelled by the performers.

For more information or to RSVP e-mail me at kbrob (at) juno (dot) com. Now, you don't have to RSVP but it'd sure make me feel better to know that people were really coming.


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