The Notify

I've got a lot of talented friends. Isn't this better than getting braggy e-mails about them from me all the time?

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Run, Stanley, Run!

I am a big fan of the Official Flat Stanley Project. A lot of my friends have been asked to house Stanley on different legs of his world wide tour but I have never been asked and I'm not afraid to tell you that I get a little envious. Imagine my delight when Media Guy told me that The Notify had inadvertently participated in the project.

Tipped off by a second grade class in Ohio (Or possibly Indiana, I really should have checked that fact before I posted. Sorry class! My apologies!) that Stanley might be attending events in NYC, Media Guy has been scouring the internet with his special photographic enhancement software (as seen on CSI, CSI:Miami, CSI:NY, Navy:NCIS, Without a Trace & pretty much every crime busting show since Quincy) to find some evidence to send back to the classroom. It turns out that in last week's Marathon Wrap Up post he found what he was looking for.

I present you with the appropriately enhanced photo:

Congratulations Stanley! We knew you could do it.

Edited to add that the second graders in question are from Indiana. Go Hoosiers!


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