The Notify

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Sunday, November 06, 2005

Marathon report

It would be very easy for this entry to become a whiny sort of a rant about how I need a new camera. No amount of whining will win you over, though, because if I had a better camera there'd be even more pictures and you'd be clicking over to something else so fast you might crash your computer. Let me sum up with, if I had a camera that actually took the picture when you pressed the button even these few pictures would be way better and I would have gotten shots of the guy dressed as Magnum PI, the breast cancer survivor, the guy dressed as Wonder Woman, the guy with the shirt that explained that he ran the DC marathon last week, a close up of the front running women....well, you get the picture. Er, idea.

I think these people are crazy to run a marathon. I think the whole idea of it is nuts and pretty gross and every year when I see them it makes me choke up. I defy you not to get a tear in your eye when you see a guy with "Team Daddy" on his shirt or the senior citizen with a photo tee on that proclaimed "Go Grampa Budy" or, you know, that woman in the Breast Cancer research tee with "SURVIVOR" emblazoned across the top.

Anyway, I love watching the marathon and here's what I saw this year.

I see this guy every year. He's turkish and his companion (with the beard) does a great job berating the crowd into making enough noise for his liking.

The frontrunning women. I have no idea who won either gender's race in the professional categories.

Frontrunning men.

Here's a new one on me. I believe he was running to promote "men's cancers". Yes, that's what he's dressed as. Yes, really.

There are always at least 2 rhinos. This year there were three. This was the first year that I saw why they run as rhinos. They're running for a web site that helps save rhinos from extinction.

There's a lot of action in the bleachers, too. This guy was waiting for a friend who was running in the race and his wife had taken the squirmy toddler home so he had to hold the sign, tilt the bottle and keep an eye out all at once. Multi-tasking Brooklyn style.

There were a lot of kilts this year. Not sure what that's about but I liked it.

These women, or at least members of this same group, run every year. I believe they're from Britain, I assume they are promoting breast cancer awareness. Also, one of these people is not a woman, but they are all wearing very cool spangly bras.


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