Santa Takes Holiday
I regret to inform you that Santa Jay is taking a break this year.
As I am sure I have told you before I am no fan of the period between Halloween and my birthday known as "THE HOLIDAYS". One of the few things I looked forward to, though, is going to see Santa Jay. I love me some live voices singing the classics, and the classically twisted. So I'm disappointed that we won't be seeing any of that this year but I understand that even Santa needs time off once in a while.
Watch this space for an announcement about next year's show, I want to get a big crowd together for it.
In the mean time you can get the recorded version of the greatest hits of the holiday to give as a gift or to give your own party a little lift. The whole CD is great but I am particularly fond of The Restroom Door Said Gentlemen. It's the right combination of classic and insubordinate. If you're having a New Year's party check out the piano bar CD, it would make a delightful and classy addition to any gathering that involves champagne.
Give Santa Jay some love, people, I want him to come back next year.
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